A board game teaches reading skills during a Reading Center practicum experience.

St. Bonaventure University


The Bona Edvantage Scholarship provides a 25% discount to St. 博纳文蒂尔大学B-12扫盲或包容性特殊教育硕士课程的毕业生.
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Master's in birth-grade 12 literacy

St. Bonaventure University literacy student reading to childThis Master of Science in Education (MSED) in Literacy degree program, offered 100% online, 是专为认证教师谁希望获得硕士学位教出生到12年级的识字.

You earn a full degree in a 15-month, 36-credit-hour, online program that includes an in-person or online summer practicum.

该课程将获得识字教育的教育学硕士(MSED),从出生到12年级的学位,并建议获得识字教育的双重认证: Birth to Grade 6 AND Secondary Grades 5-12. This equips you with the skills and versatility to teach in a number of areas, such as a reading specialist, a literary coach, or as a K-12 literacy certified classroom teacher.

The heart of the program content includes professional clinical experience, learning to assess and diagnosis reading abilities followed by the SBURC practicum, 也有机会为同龄人和家长提供教练专业发展.

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Complete this program in 15 months

This 15-month, 36-credit-hour, online graduate program in literacy includes:
  • methods and theory designed to have your students fall in love with reading
  • training in reading assessment and teaching reading strategies
  • 在春季和/或在K-12学校不上课期间在自己的教室进行为期7周的短期暑期实习体验, both perfect for the working teacher
  • being prepared for the NYS literacy certification exam
  • Working full time and need more time? 

    对于需要减轻课程负担的学生,我们也提供两年的完成时间表. 项目主管雪莉·沃斯(Sheri Voss)可以帮助学生逐步制定毕业计划.

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    SBU Reading Center practicum experience


    这个项目的一个标志性特点是圣博纳文蒂尔大学阅读中心(SBURC)的实习经历. 它涵盖了K-12年级的范围,确保教师获得跨年级的实践经验,并将其带入他们的职业生涯.

    The practicum is completed in two phases:
    • in the spring in teachers’ own classrooms or placement
    • in the summer, either online or in an arranged in-person placement.

    The practicum is supervised by St. Bonaventure的教师,并有教师的个人支持,他们专注于年轻读者所经历的各种问题. Successful completion is a requirement for graduation from the program. 

    Youngsters in a St. Bonaventure University summer reading program
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